A sense of humour can make women prolong life and prevent cardiovascular diseases and dangerous infectious diseases

October 27, 2016 Source: World Wide Web

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According to the Russian "Informing" news network on October 25th, the Norwegian team of experts confirmed a general view that people with a sense of humour have a longer life span than those without a sense of humour, and this trend is particularly pronounced among women.

Experts collected 53,556 gender-specific health data and found that the risk of premature death among women who were good at jokes was reduced by about 48%, almost half. In addition, a sense of humor can also prevent cardiovascular diseases and dangerous infectious diseases.

According to experts, this applies not only to women, but also to help men and women cope with stress and improve the function of the immune system.

It is worth noting that the researchers found that correlation is not necessarily a causal relationship. Even if the expert's conclusion is correct, it does not necessarily mean that the sense of humor can prolong life. Perhaps these two indicators are independent of each other due to the third factor.

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