Today, human anatomy has provided detailed insights into various human body parts. The acupuncture and moxibustion banned points described by the predecessors are not invariable through practice, so they must not be muddled by the ancients. I. Puncture Where acupoints are close to organs, or on or near a large vein, or in a special location, they are considered by the ancients as unshallable and designated as imprisoned. Such as the brain households, 囟hui, the Jingting, jade pillows, collateral, Cheng Ling, sinus information, horns, eternal sob, Shinto, Lingtai, 膻, water, shrine, perineum, cross bone, Qichong, Qimen, Tenders, hand Wuli, Sanyangluo, Qingling, Yuzhong, Renying, lacking basins, shoulder wells, Chongyang, Cloud Gate, Quanquan, Tianchi, etc. The essence of the test puncture point is basically the depth of the problem. "The sickness is sinking, and there are shallow depths of thorns, and each has its own reason. If it passes, it is incurable. If it passes, it is an internal injury." It can be seen that the ancients also recognized that stifling was only a relative concept. Therefore, where the puncture point, in addition to living in special parts of the oracles, milk should not be needles, other acupuncture points can enter the needle, but to take burrs, spurs, prickles, etc. to the shallow thorn method, do not exceed physiological limits. Second, the moxibustion point All acupoints close to facial features, two anomalies and large arteries should not be treated with moxibustion. Such as brain households, Fengfu, dumb doors, five, Chengguang, ridges, Xinyu, Baihuanyu, Sizhukong, Chengke, Suyu, Renying, Dairy, Yuanpu, Shanwei, Jingqu, Tianfu, Yin City, Fu Rabbit, Five Lands, Knee Yang Guan, Ying Xiang, Ju Yi, Yi, Yi Cang, Shao Fu, Zu Tong Gu, Tian Zhu, Head Pro-Come, Tau Wei, Shu Bamboo, Jing Ming,颧髎, Shimonoseki, Tianyi, Zhourong, abdominal mourning, shoulder zhen, Yangchi, Zhongchong, Shaoshang, Yujian, Yinbai, Liaogu, Yinlingquan, koukou, Jianbi, Shaoguan, Shen Pulse, Venezuela, Cheng Fu and so on. These are the experiences of the ancients. Modern acupuncture and moxibustion clinical believes that, in addition to eyebrows, vegetarians, people welcome, committees and other medium should not be moxibustion, Yu points can be properly used moxibustion treatment.
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