1. It is not advisable to infuse the warm supplements: The pregnant women will have their blood flow in the blood circulation system of the whole body clearly added, and the burden on the heart will increase. The blood vessels in the cervix, vaginal wall, and fallopian tubes will also be in an expanded, congested form, plus the excretion of expectant mothers. The function is prosperous, and the excreted aldosterol can easily lead to water and sodium retention and edema, high blood pressure and other diseases. Furthermore, expectant mothers will suffer from loss of appetite, stomach flatulence, constipation, etc. due to reduction in gastric acid excretion and weakened gastrointestinal function.

In this situation, if pregnant women often take warm tonics and supplements, such as ginseng, pilose antler, deer tire glue, antler, longan, litchi, walnut meat, etc., will inevitably lead to yin deficiency and impotence, qi machine out of tune , Qi Sheng Yin consumption, blood stasis, increased morning sickness, edema, hypertension, constipation and other symptoms, and even stimulate miscarriage or stillbirth.

2, should not eat moldy food: When the pregnant woman eaten by the mycotoxin contamination of agricultural and sideline products and food, not only will attack acute or chronic food poisoning, and even may affect the fetus. Since embryo implantation occurs in the early 2-3 months of the pregnancy, the embryonic body cells are in a highly proliferative and differentiated stage. Mycotoxin damage can cause the chromosomes to break or become distorted, leading to hereditary diseases or fetal malformations. Heart disease, congenital ignorance, etc., and some even make the fetus stop development and stillbirth, miscarriage.

On the other hand, in the late stage of pregnancy, because the function of the organs of the fetus is not perfect, especially the function of the liver and kidney is very weak, and mycotoxins will also have toxic effects on the fetus. Many medical research materials prove that mycotoxin is a kind of strong carcinogen and can cause maternal-fetal liver and stomach cancer.

3, should not be a high-protein diet: early should not use more acidic drugs or acidic diet. Researchers believe that the lack of supply of white matter makes it easier for pregnant women to become weak and weak, and the development of the fetus is slow, postpartum recovery is slow, and breast milk is scarcely excreted. Therefore, the demand for pregnant women's daily protein should reach 90-100 grams. However, a high-protein diet during pregnancy can affect the appetite of pregnant women, add the burden of the gastrointestinal tract, and affect the intake of other nutrient substances, so that the balance of dietary nutrients.

Studies have shown that excessive intake of protein, the body can occur a lot of harmful substances such as hydrogen sulfide, histamine, easily cause abdominal distension, loss of appetite, dizziness, fatigue and other scenes. Also, excessive intake of protein, not only can increase the formation of nitrogen in the blood, but also easily lead to increased cholesterol, increased renal glomerular filtration function. Some scholars believe that the overstock of white matter in the human connective tissue can cause degeneration of tissues and organs, and can easily cause cancer.

4, not a high-fat diet: Medical scientists point out that although fat itself does not cause cancer, but long-term eating high-fat foods, will make the large intestine of bile acid and neutral cholesterol concentration added, the accumulation of these substances can induce colon cancer. Also, high-fat foods can be added to the composition of prolactin to promote the onset of breast cancer, hernia motherhood.

Many medical research materials also prove that breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer have a family genetic predisposition and are associated with prolonged high-fat cooking. If pregnant women like to eat high-fat foods, it is bound to add their daughters with the risk of cancer of the reproductive system.

5, should not be high calcium diet: pregnant women ingest high-calcium diet blindly, such as a lot of adding calcium tablets, vitamin d, etc., harmful to the fetus. Nutrient scientists believe that pregnant women supplement calcium in excess, the fetus can get hypercalcemia; after birth, children prematurely closed fontanelle, cheekbones widened and raised, nose leaned, narrowing of the aorta, etc. The development of hernia in her child's development is detrimental to her beauty.

In general, pregnant women need 800 mg of calcium per day in early pregnancy and 1,100 mg in the later period. This does not require special supplements. It only requires reasonable intake from daily dairy products, fish, meat, and eggs. enough.

6, should not be excessive salty food: Some pregnant women because of eating habits and good salty food, especially the northern residents are more severe. Modern medical research thinks that the amount of salt and the incidence of hypertension have an inevitable relationship, the more the salt intake, the higher the incidence. As we all know, pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome is a disease unique to pregnant women. Its primary symptoms are edema, hypertension, and white matter urine. Severe persons may be accompanied by blind symptoms such as headache, dizziness, chest tightness, dizziness, and even epilepsy. Endangering mother and child well-being. Overexposure to salty foods in pregnant women can easily trigger the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome. Therefore, experts at the Beijing Infertility Infertility Hospital recommend that the daily salt intake of expectant mothers should be about 6 grams.

7, should not eat acid diet: pregnant women in the early pregnancy can present picky eaters, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and other early pregnancy symptoms, many people have a good acid diet. However, according to a study by the Federal Republic of Germany, scientists found that if the mother’s intake of acidic drugs or other acidic substances at the early stage of the pregnancy can affect the normal fragmentation, proliferation, and development of the embryonic cells, it can easily induce changes in genetic material and cause fetal malformations.

As the fetus grows and matures, its pH within the tissue cells gradually approaches that of the mother and the affected levels gradually decrease. Thus, pregnant women in pregnancy

8. Unsuitable for high-glucose diet: Medical scientists at the National University of Pisa in Italy found that pregnant women with high blood sugar had too much weight in the fetus, the fetus's ability to have fetal congenital malformation, the rate of occurrence of fetal congenital malformations, the presence of congenital hypertension syndrome or the need for caesarean section The timing was 3 times, 7 times, and 2 times that of the pregnant women in the low blood sugar group. On the other hand, pregnant women in the prenatal period of renal glycogen function can have differences in the level of reduction, if the blood sugar is too high will exacerbate pregnant women's kidneys, beggars during pregnancy care.

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