In the Apple Spring New Product Launch Conference on March 10, in addition to Apple Watch and Macbook, Apple also launched the ResearchKit Medical Research Platform. Seeing that there may be doubts here, Apple has not released health-related HealthKit before, why should we publish another ResearchKit? In fact, in the light of the new product that night, ResearchKit is no less important than the other two protagonists. Even in some people's eyes, it is regarded as a product that can lead to changes in the future medical industry. Is ResearchKit really amazing? Today, the author will give you an in-depth interpretation.

Interpretation of Apple ResearchKit: triggering changes in the medical community?

What is ResearchKit?

ResearchKit is Apple's software infrastructure for medical researchers. Researchers can create a variety of health applications based on this open source architecture. After adaptation, the iPhone can collect health data from a variety of patients to help people diagnose various diseases.

How does ResearchKit work?

Unlike HealthKit, ResearchKit is more profound and provides a complete solution. Doctors can really solve patient-related problems or propose treatment options through the mobile app.

There are currently 5 Apps that have completed ResearchKit, namely Asthma Health for asthma; GlucoSucess for diabetes; Share the Journey for breast cancer; Parkinson mPower for Parkinson, this domestic Xuanwu hospital will participate in collaboration and cardiovascular MyHeart Counts of the disease.

What is the significance of ResearchKit?

Since ResearchKit solves medical problems through mobile apps, it has greatly promoted the development of mobile healthcare . As we all know, many of today's wearable devices act as a data collector and do not provide a solution to the problem behind the data. ResearchKit is based on this, it provides professional medical advice through monitoring user data. For example, nowadays people often talk about the "difficult to see a doctor" problem. After the researchKit, the patient does not even need to go to the hospital to meet with the doctor. Only need to provide data to report the condition to the doctor in time, and the user's health data collected by the mobile phone sensor is better than The patient's own subjective description is more accurate.

Dietary Supplements

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), which provides for dietary supplements. A product (other than tobacco) intended to supplement the diet may contain one or more of the following dietary ingredients: A vitamin, a mineral, an herb (herbal) or other plant, an amino acid, a food component used to increase the total daily intake to supplement the diet, or a concentrate, metabolite, component, extract or combination of the above ingredients, etc. It also includes approved new drugs, vitamins or biologics that have been marketed as dietary supplements or food products before they are approved, issued or licensed. The DSHEA defines dietary supplements as their composition and labeling requirements: the product form may be pill, capsule, tablet or liquid; The product shall not be used as a substitute for ordinary foods or as an exclusive dietary item. The product shall be labeled as a "dietary supplement".

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Xi'an Double H Health Technology Co., Ltd ,