In recent years, diseases have endangered Hainan's crops, resulting in reduced or reduced production of green oranges, bananas, betel nuts, and vegetables. Experts said that due to the unscientific cultivation mode over the past 20 years, the ecological structure of the soil has been destroyed and the beneficial microorganisms have been drastically reduced. The bacteria have become dominant colonies and endanger crop security. Why are microbes taken seriously? Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides causes land poisoning, and the crop's disease output has plummeted. The destruction of soil ecological balance is largely a result of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The soil itself lacks nutrients, and fertilizer must be applied in order to obtain high yields. Since the late 1980s, with the characteristics of high nutrient content and quick results, chemical fertilizers have rapidly become popular in Hainan Island, and the application rate has multiplied. At the same time, pesticides are also used in large quantities. Hainan has high temperature and humidity all the year round, and it is prone to germs breeding. The pests and diseases are serious. The main means of plant protection is the use of pesticides. "It can be said that the losses caused by pests and diseases have indeed been greatly reduced since the beginning, but the problems have gradually been exposed. Soil-transmitted diseases are serious every year. The use of chemical control is poor and the cost is high. The more 'unsatisfactory', has inspired farmers to seek Better control measures.

Jinbao microbial fertilizer is the best choice.

First, microbial fertilizer can improve soil and fertility

Microbial fertilizer can increase the granular structure and permeability of soil by the action of microorganisms, increase the oxygen content and water storage capacity of soil layer, and improve the rhizosphere environment of crops. The use of microbial fertilizers as base fertilizers or irrigating the roots of bacteria can make loosened compacted soil, which promotes the continuous improvement and sustainable development of plant yields.

Second, microbial fertilizer can promote crop growth

The use of microbial fertilizer has a significant role in promoting root development, extending leaf function, and enhancing photosynthesis efficiency, and can significantly improve the quality of crops such as bananas and oranges.

Third, the role of microbial fertilizers enhances the resistance of crops

The first is drought, in view of its well-developed root system, the area of ​​water-absorbing fertilizer is increased, and it can withstand drought for more than one week under the same conditions. The second is cold resistance, and the third is heat resistance, which can ensure the normal growth of plants in the course of high temperatures. Finally, the saline-alkali land cultivation crops can significantly improve the ability of the crop to resist saline and alkaline. The use of this product can also reduce the infestation of pathogens such as standing, withering, and red rot, and the plants are hypertrophic and grow rapidly.

Fourth, microbial fertilizer can promote root growth

Jinbao microbial fertilizer can generally increase the quality of various plant roots by more than 35%. Jinbao microbial fertilizer contains phosphorus and potassium decomposing bacteria, which can effectively decompose nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements that can not be directly used by plants for crop absorption. , It continuously supplies the nutrients needed for crop growth.

Fifth, microbial bacteria can resist disease and insects.

The rapid proliferation of beneficial microorganisms after use inhibits the development of harmful bacteria, promotes the growth of crops, increases the disease resistance of the crops, and destroys the living conditions of subterranean eggs, rendering them unable to become adults. At the same time, it prevents and regulates physiological diseases caused by continuous cropping.

Sixth, the effect of microbial fertilizer production and income increase is significant:

Daejeon food crops can increase production by more than 10%, and the effect of increasing production on fruits, vegetables and fruits can reach more than 30%.

For more details: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Telephone Toll Free

Recommended reading:

What are the benefits of microbial fertilizers?


Microbiological fertilizer classification



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