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Moisture directly affects the function of the fermentation bed and is a factor that affects the function of the bacteria. When the bacteria species play a role, the moisture generally requires 65% (Goldbeat fermentation bed standard). The simple judgment method is as follows: Can be made into groups, loose hands to spread, moisture is too high too low are unfavorable. That is, when the moisture content of the sawdust is 65%, the strains begin to exert their best function and start to ferment. But how do you judge the moisture content of sawdust and other litter in practice? Here's a representative of the Goldfish fermentation bed, how to judge the moisture according to its structure:
Sawdust itself water: according to the different sources of sawdust, water is also different, if it is fresh sawdust, such as Chinese fir, beech, mixed wood and other processed sawdust, the water content varies greatly with the tree species, generally press 60% estimate that if it is the oldest dried sawdust, it is usually calculated at 30%.
A goldfish fermentation bed 20 square meters, 50 cm thick sawdust, 20m20.5m = 10 square sawdust, 1 square sawdust 190kg count, that is 1900kg, according to dry sawdust 30% water content is 570kg water weight,
The excrement of feces and urine is also a large part of the excrement of feces every day. The excrement water content is generally about 60%. It can be ignored. The urine is a very big part. Each pig is calculated according to the excretion amount of 4 kg per day. Baby fermentation bed 20 square meters 15-20 pigs (calculated according to 15) is 60kg of water, which is a large part of the water source, so you can not add water;
, Other residual water, feed residue, sometimes caused by artificial feeding, or rain extravasation, of course, must do a good job of sheltering against seepage. This is a very small part and can be ignored.
After a period of time, the required moisture content can be achieved during fermentation, so that the function of the functional microbes can be optimized, and the formerly dormant ones are also active. However, if there is too much water, emergency measures such as venting at the bottom of the hole, clearing the excessively dry litter and drying, adding dry sawdust, etc.
In addition, the surface of fresh sawdust no longer spray water, and even more water is not allowed inside. The old sawdust only sprays a little water (5-10cm) on the surface; the surface of the northern fermentation bed can be slightly sprayed, and the southern surface of the sawdust is not sprayed. Except when it is particularly dry, it is mainly because the north is dry and the air humidity is high; the wet area (climate) is not sprayed, and dry areas can be sprayed. Details can visit the website or consult.