Medicinal value

Aster root is a traditional Chinese medicine, medicinal name Aster or Asteraceae Guanzhong, with detoxification, lungs and qi, bleeding to kill insects, tonic Shu Luo, Huoxue Pingwei, detoxification, lowering blood pressure, anti-cancer resistance The function of cancer. It can treat abdominal pain, uterine functional bleeding, mumps, dysentery, nosebleeds, nocturnal emission, hypertension and other symptoms. The rhizomes are soaked in fresh water for about 7 days. The mash is removed and the starch is extracted by filtration (referred to as Aster fern powder). The powder is made into powdered noodles and vermicelli, which has nourishing, nourishing, anti-cancer and anti-cancer health effects.



Bitter; slightly cold; Spleen; stomach.


Clearing heat and detoxifying; expectorant to stop bleeding; kill insects. Influenza; Epidemic; JE; Mumps; Hemorrhoids swollen; Measles; Varicella; Diarrhea; Hemorrhoids; Hematemesis; Hemorrhagic blood; Blood in the stool; Bleeding; Under the tape; Aphids; Tapeworms; hookworm and other intestinal parasitic diseases. Dosage

Oral: decoction, 3-15g; or wolfberry juice; or into the pill, scattered. External use: Appropriate amount, fresh product is deposited;

Medication taboo

Deficiency of the spleen and stomach was careful.

Medicinal source

Herbal source

For the purpurea Osmunda Osmunda japonica Thunb. The base of the rhizomes and petioles.

Prescription selection

(1) Prevention of encephalitis: 15-30 grams of Aster root and 15 grams of Daqingye. Shuijianbi. (Hunan Drug Journal)

(2) Measles and varicella are not thoroughly discovered: Guanzhong 3 grams, 6 grams of red spoon, 3 grams of Cimicifuga, 9 grams of reed rhizome, and Shuijianbi. (Shandong Chinese herbal medicine manual)

COVID-19 Medical Products

These products are used in direct response to the covid-19 pandemic.

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