Beans are hi-temperature vegetables, which need to be cultivated in the frost-free period. Generally speaking, they can only be cultivated for one season in open fields in the northern high-cold areas. However, in recent years, with the promotion of new technologies, the cultivation techniques of bean pods have been greatly improved. Not only can they be sown and listed in batches, but they can also be cultivated earlier and later in protected areas. The following microbial fertilizer expert Jinbao will introduce the management of spring beans in various aspects.

1. Beans, fertilizers and water management Planting beans should be fertile and loose, and loam or sandy loam soils that have not been sown in 2 to 3 years. 10,500 m3 of composted organic fertilizer was applied 10 days before sowing, and 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer were applied. After fertilization, plowing was performed 4 to 5 days apart to fully mix fertilizer and soil.

In order to further improve the quality of beans, it is recommended that farmers use some microbiological fertilizers such as dichotomy microbial fertilizers as base fertilizers, because microbial fertilizers can increase the utilization efficiency of base fertilizers, and the secreted auxin will promote the growth of seedlings. Organic manure is generally suitable for chasing mature human and animal excrement, but its own decomposed human and animal excrement may cause incomplete decomposition and burning of seedlings, so we recommend that the majority of vegetable farmers use commercial compost such as Jinbao Organic Fertilizer (click for details). The agent is derived from the production of fertilizers that are not burned and are easily used by plants. During the fruit growing period, it needs more fertilizer and water. The foliar surface can be sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice, and watering can be performed simultaneously with topdressing.

2. Soybean seedlings

Spring bean sheds promote cultivation in general in mid-March, sowing, germination sowing, live broadcast can be, spacing 20 cm × 40 cm, seed sowing seeds 3 to 4 per hole, seed sowing mulching film, and cover the greenhouse insulation, until Emergence. The water management at the seedling stage is based on the principle of control. Live water on the seedbed can be no longer watered after pouring enough water; nutritional seedlings can be watered when the soil is dry. In particular, don't water it for 7 days to 10 days before planting to make the seedlings robust and sophisticated. In early spring, the seedling age is generally 25 days to 30 days. The criteria for bean seedlings are large primary leaves and true leaves, dark green color, and short internodes and petioles. When planting, select sunny noon, first ditch irrigation, wait for water to infiltrate and then plant seedlings; No matter what kind of method of planting, the amount of irrigation should not be too large. Wet soil should be used to prevent the ground temperature from falling. Dry soil should be covered after planting. The distance between the points is 40 cm to 50 cm. Hang the vines with plastic ropes.

3. Daily management of beans

Once the beans have emerged in the apical membrane, they will have to ventilate during the day and cover the insulation at night. In frost, a small shed is set in the greenhouse. When the plant dendrite grows more than 20 centimeters long, it should be erected and gradually introduced. After the plants begin to scab, thin human urine

1 or 2 times, the amount of topdressing should be increased during the period of pod flooding, and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be sprayed on the leaves to prevent premature aging. After the end of April, the temperature has obviously risen, and the film can be removed to facilitate field operations.

4. Bean Pest Control

Beans mainly include diseases such as mycoplasmosis, rust, aphids, and soybean meal. Mycoplasmosis can be treated with 50% thiophanate-methyl, or 50% carbendazim at the onset of the disease. Rust can be used 50% Triadimefon 1000 times spray, spray every 7 days or so, spray 2 to 3 times. Aphids can be treated with 10% chrysanthemum cream 1500 times, or 10% imidacloprid 2000 times. Soybean meal can be used 50% phoxim 1000 times, or 21% to kill and kill 4000 times liquid, every 7 to 10 days, liquid spray evenly on the leaves, buds. Management details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. telephone toll-free hotline

Extended reading:

What are the benefits of microbial fertilizer?


Fertilizer starter self-made organic fertilizer


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