Jujube anthracnose is the main disease of jujube tree, which infringes upon the fruit and can also infect jujube hanging, jujube leaf, jujube head and jujube stock. Injury to fruit, initially yellowish water spots on the shoulder of the fruit or the waist, gradually expanding into irregular yellow-brown patches, round spots of plaque in the middle of the plaque, the lesions expanding and contiguous, reddish-brown Causes drop. Diseased fruit on the number of lesions range, usually more than one to several, many were Ma Ma face. The diseased fruit is colored early, and many yellow-brown small projections can grow on the lesion under moist conditions. After the severe disease fruit is dried, only the date nucleus and filaments are connected to the peel. The fruit is bitter and can not be eaten. Prevention of anthrax to start spraying the first drug about half a month after fruit set, and then according to the length of the drug efficacy period and rainfall conditions, arrangements for drug interval, generally even spray 4-6 times. The commonly used effective agents are 1:2-3:200 times Bordeaux fluid, 30% benzoylzinc 2000 times, and carbendazim water dispersant 2000 times. When anthrax is found to be harmful, Duomei + Guanlong anthrax can be used for 1000 times, spraying once every 6-7 days, and the condition can be controlled by spraying three times.
Medical Cold Patch
Throat Pain Relief Patch,Throat Pain Relief Pad,Throat Pain Relief Plaster,Antitussive Patch Shandong XiJieYiTong International Trade Co.,Ltd. , https://www.xjpatches.com
Throat Pain Relief Patch
[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 36 round pieces
The pain relief patch is composed of three layers, namely, backing lining, middle gel and protective film. It is free from pharmacological, immunological or metabolic ingredients.
[Scope of Application] For cold physiotherapy, closed soft tissue only.
The patches give fast acting pain relief for acute and chronic tonsillitis.
[How To Use a Patch]
Please follow the Schematic Diagram. One piece, one time.
The curing effect of each piece can last for 6-8 hours.
Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions] Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.