1, usually should drink more water, develop drinking habits. Because drinking more water can increase the amount of urine, dilute the urine crystals, making it easy to excrete. At the same time, even if the small stones have been formed, it can be washed out of the urine as soon as possible. Some scholars have pointed out that it is best to drink more than 2500 milliliters of water every day and keep the urine light. If the local source of water is high in calcium, it should be noted that it should be softened before drinking. It is best to drink magnetic water.
2, do not eat and drink, limit the excess nutrition. Because eating and drinking are mostly high-protein, high-sugar and high-fat diets, this will increase the risk of stone formation. Usually you should eat more coarse grains and vegetarian food.
3, if it is a stone patient, after the stone is cured, for oxalate stone patients, in order to prevent stone recurrence, should avoid eating foods with higher oxalic acid, such as spinach, beets, mushrooms, potatoes, chestnuts, black tea, coffee Cocoa, chocolate, persimmons, and bayberry, etc.; if it is urate, care should be taken to eat foods with higher uric acid, such as animal organs, seafood, coffee, cocoa, black tea, chocolate and peanuts.
4, try not to take or less take drugs related to stones, such as vitamin C, aspirin, sulfa drugs.
The above points, if more attention can be paid to the diet, have a certain significance in the prevention of the formation of stones.
Stones have a close relationship with the diet. To avoid suffering, you should pay attention to the following points in your diet: