Acupuncture is a unique treatment for diseases in China. Acupuncture consists of "needle" and "moxibustion." It is a combination of acupuncture and moxibustion. The acupuncture method is to insert acupuncture needles into the patient's body according to certain acupuncture points, and use acupuncture methods such as transfer and insertion to treat the disease. The moxibustion method is to burn the moxa burning the skin according to a certain point and use the heat to treat the disease. The role of acupuncture 1, dredge the meridians Acupuncture and moxibustion can use its role of “dragging meridians and reconciling qi and bloodâ€, and according to the meridian and viscera physiology and pathology, the mechanism of mutual influence and mutual influence, the selection of some acupoints in the meridian circulation route and contact range to carry out needles Thorn or moxibustion, so that the meridians flow, the degree of operation, qi and blood reconciliation, yin and yang balance. Acupuncture to clear the meridian role is also mainly through the compatibility of acupoints and acupuncture meridians to achieve. Take the stomach and stomach of the foot Yangming as an example: Foot-Yangming Gastritis has a swelling and pain in the gums of the foot, taking this point through the Atrium, diarrhea fever through the analgesia; Foot-Yangming Gastritis due to partial overeating stomach pain, it is desirable to take the Zusanli Point, Wentong meridians and tonics relieve pain; Foot-Yangming reverses the chaos in the air, including vomiting with high turbidity, bloating without clear air, and diarrhea. You can also take this at the Zusanli Point to raise or lower the turbidity and reconcile the Stomach. After the foot-Yangming Gas Block causes pain and numbness in the femoro-genital region, it is advisable to pass through the points of Shaoguan, Futu, etc. Blood. 2, reconcile yin and yang The occurrence of disease is fundamentally the destruction of the relative balance of yin and yang, and the result of partial prosperity. For these organs and meridians dysfunctional pathological changes, the use of acupuncture and moxibustion can regulate yin and yang, make up for the mischief, restore the relative balance of yin and yang, promote yin and yang, maintain qi, qi, and memory. The role of acupuncture in reconciling yin and yang is mainly achieved through compatibility of acupuncture points and acupuncture techniques. For example: toothache caused by stomach fire flaming, Yang-sheng partial Sheng, expelling Qingwei Xiehuo, take the foot Yangming stomach meridian point inside the chamber, acupuncture and diarrhea. Cold pathogenic stomach caused by stomach pain, is a partial evil Yang Xian, Expelling warm and cold, take foot Yangming Wei Jingli Zusanli and the stomach of the fund-raising point, acupuncture and diarrhea method, and moxibustion. Acupuncture has many advantages: First, there is a wide range of indications that can be used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases in the internal, external, women's, children's, and facial features. Secondly, the effect of treating diseases is relatively rapid and significant, especially with good physical functions, improving disease resistance, sedation, and analgesia; Third, the operation method is simple and easy; Fourth, the medical cost economy; Fifth, there are no or few side effects, basic safety and reliability, and can be combined with other therapies for comprehensive treatment. Acupuncture taboos 1, due to the moxibustion to expose some parts of the body surface, so in the winter to keep warm, so as not to cure the old disease and add new diseases. 2, to step by step, the initial use of moxibustion should pay attention to master the amount, the first small amount, small dose, such as the use of small Ai Zhuo, or moxibustion shorter, some less strong. Increase the dose later and do not start large doses. 3, for the skin dullness or pediatric, you can use the index finger and middle finger on both sides of the moxibustion site, in order to sense the temperature of the moxibustion site, so as not to burn the skin, but also receive good results. 4, extreme fatigue, hunger, fullness, drunkenness, sweating, emotional instability, certain infectious diseases, high fever, coma, convulsions, or the body is extremely depleted, the shape of thin bone immediately, or no self-control ability People such as mental patients and other mop mop. Tetanus Shot,Tetanus Vaccine,Hepatitis B Injection,Hep B Vaccine FOSHAN PHARMA CO., LTD. ,