First, the construction of farms The Chinese alligators have long lived in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, especially in the low hills of southern Anhui. In the construction of artificial feedlots, aquaculture ponds that simulate their natural ecological environment should first be created. In site selection, first consider the site with water, good water quality, moderate soil hardness, suitable for growth of weeds and shrubs, and allowing the alligator to create caves, not collapse. The climate must be close to the mountains in southern Anhui. The environment in which the pool is built should be kept quiet so that it will not be disturbed. Excessive interference will be detrimental to the growth of the alligator. If viewing is dominant, domestication should be carried out step by step, and strict management should be conducted to avoid the use of crocodiles that reach sexual maturation for spawning for spawning.
The area of ​​the general culture pond is not fixed and can be determined according to the amount of culture. Generally, each crocodile has an effective area of ​​15 to 20 square meters. The crocodile pool requires drainage and irrigation, and brick walls are used. The height should be about 1 meter from the water to prevent the crocodile from escaping. The water depth of the pond is between 0.8m and 1m. The crocodile island is built in the pond to provide crawling activities for the Chinese alligators and to build caves. The range and height of the island must be moderate, neither too large nor too small, generally accounting for about half of the aquaculture ponds, and piled up in the middle of the pool. The shapes are round hills and square hills, and the gradient is easy to ease. The island is planted with willows and palm trees, and the weeds are good for it. On the one hand, the soil can be fixed, and on the other hand, the crocodile can be allowed to cool off on the island. On one side or both sides of the pool, an appetite of 4 square meters is built, and the slope enters the water. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to artificially create caves on the Crocodile Island. If the crocodile is stocked in May and June, it can pass through a growing season. Before the temperature drops, it can cave itself through the winter, if the stocking individuals are too small, and the time is too late. Artificial sticks can be artificially used at positions above the water surface.
A complete farm also includes infrastructure such as housekeeping facilities, bait stations, hatchery rooms, hatchery equipment, water quality disease monitoring equipment, and electric transportation. The crocodile pool can also be divided into young crocodile pools, crocodile pools and pro crocodile pool
Second, the alligator's cultivating alligator's physiological characteristics make it very resistant to long-distance transportation, so no special measures need to be taken in transit, no feed, no water change, if the weather can be hot enough water. Wooden boxes can be used for transport, and one side is equipped with a breathable wire mesh. Chinese alligators prefer to live alone. In the state of artificial breeding, the density should be appropriate. Generally about 50 ponds per acre are used. If the young crocodile, the number of stocking can be increased; if the breeders use pro-crocodile, the density should be reduced. If the stocking is too dense, there will be competition for fight crocodile accidents; if the stocking is too thin, the water body cannot be used effectively. After the general stocking, the alligator came to a strange environment, it would appear restless, swimming around, the night is more obvious, eating less, a little movement will lurk in the water. After a week or so, they can adapt to the new environment.
The daily management of the Chinese alligator breeding mainly includes feeding, inspection, disease prevention, and capture measurement. The alligator's requirements for bait are very low, its food is relatively wide, and fish, meat, and animal internal organs can be fed. It is also possible to farm some snails, clams and fish in ponds, both for water and for reducing the amount of feed. Try not to feed rotten and spoiled bait, and breeds should not be single. At the beginning of feeding, the alligator was not accustomed to eating on the food table, and he liked to feed at night. He could feed the food near the food table in the evening and gradually overtake the food table. The next morning check the food situation, mainly to see if there is any remaining, and make a record.
The history of the Chinese alligator breeding is relatively short, but with the recovery of the population of the Chinese alligator and the enormous value of the alligator, artificial breeding of Chinese alligators will rapidly emerge as a nationwide breed. The implementation of factory breeding of alligator is the direction of future efforts.