Beer can stimulate the secretion of saliva to achieve the purpose of quenching thirst. In addition, it can also stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin and promote glucose metabolism, which is beneficial to patients with diabetes.
Beer contains a small amount of alcohol (about 4%) can stimulate gastric secretion.
Beer contains a lot of vitamin B family, especially vitamin B12 vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Vitamin B12 has certain benefits in fighting anemia and regulating the metabolism of the brain's central nervous system. Vitamin B2 plays an important role in the protection of eyesight, resistance to cheilitis and prolactin.
Because of the rapid alcohol metabolism in the blood, beer is less harmful to the human body, 2 times less harmful than wine, and 11 times smaller than whiskey. But you can't drink too much beer. If the alcohol content of each meal exceeds 28g, it will destroy the cell function. At the same time, the tissues in the human body accumulate too much alcohol, which is stored for a long time and is not easily oxidized and metabolized in the body, and is prone to ethanol poisoning. Excessive drinking can also make people fat and make the abdomen larger, which is what people often say "beer belly." Therefore, obese people should avoid drinking or drinking less (4 can not exceed two daily). Patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease should avoid drinking. Diabetes should be prescribed in the amount prescribed by the doctor, just in case. Even though beer is low, you should drink alcohol in reasonable quantities and maintain good hygienic habits. You can not only satisfy your beer-loving taste, but also have a certain amount of nutrients and can maintain your health. You can use "liquid bread" to achieve "nutrient food" intake. purpose.
Beer is the most popular kind of refreshing beverage in the world. It contains a small amount of alcohol. It is made from barley malt as the main raw material, adding a small amount of starch as raw material, gelatinized and saccharified, and then fermented by yeast.