Chinese herbal medicine ã€Ingredients】 Xanthium [Latin name] Xanthiumsibiricum Patrin. [alias] tyre, old cock, curly hair, cut [Name research] Che Caier (Tibetan name) [Source of Subject] Compositae [medicinal site] Xanthium aboveground part. [Tropism of taste] fruit sweet, warm; root taste slightly bitter, flat. ã€Indications】 The fruit is sweating, diuretic, antipyretic, detoxifying drugs. There Zhenpi, analgesic effect. Treatment of muscle paralysis, joint pain, edema and other diseases. Stem and leaf rot erosion, wetness, insect injury. It is effective for leprosy and diarrhea. Nearly useful to cure high blood pressure. ã€Usage and Dosage】 Whole grass 50-75 grams; Root 25-50 grams; Fruit 10-15 grams. [pharmaceutical bogey should] because this product is toxic, it should not be used for oral administration. ã€Certification of Medicinal Materials】 This product is mostly shrunk and the stems are curved. The epidermis is pale green to pale yellow and is covered with gray striae. Brittle, easy to fold, uneven profile. The leaves are shriveled and broken; the intact leaves are triangular-ovate. [reference source] "Compendium of Materia Medica" "Herbal Supplements" "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing." Dried Cabbage,Organic Dehydrated Cabbage,Dehydrated Cabbage Chips,Dehydrated Cabbage Cubes Jiangsu Tiankang Food Co., Ltd. ,